Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Sex, Drugs, and No Rock and Roll

Today was a long first day back from the weekend. I've worked 15 hours today along with the majority of my watch due to mandatory holiday overtime in the almost (1 degree shy of) freezing weather. but without further ado, let me walk you through my day.

It rained. One thing my field training officer taught me was that a good cop was never 3 things: never tired, never hungry, and never wet. Well, mix mandatory overtime and nonstop freezing rain and I was already off to a bad start to that mantra.

I'm sure no matter where you live I think you'll agree that when it starts raining-everybody forgets how to drive. My particular beat has a large shopping mall within its boundaries and being that it's  the holiday season that means there's already a high traffic flow. It was only a matter of time before an accident came up. Two vehicle accident-no injuries (thankfully).

I arrive on scene in the parking lot of a fast food seafood restaurant and meet the two parties. Essentially what happened was the female driver changed lanes without checking to see if the lane was clear and sideswiped pretty good the other car driven by a male. Both parties actually agreed on the same story, which almost never happens without a good debate, and made my job easier. I had to cite the female for changing lanes improperly but both parties were very receptive and incredibly respectful toward each other and myself. In a world where that isn't seen very often, it's extremely refreshing.

The rest of my regular shift was very uneventful (always a good thing). However the real show began on my mandatory overtime...

We received two calls coming in regarding a domestic dispute between a live-in boyfriend and girlfriend with injuries on the scene.

We arrive on scene to find the female with a bloody nose and both parties seemingly under the influence of alcohol and a little more. We separated the two parties and tried to see what exactly happened. To give readers a heads up, this story is detailed without going too much into graphic detail, however in the police world there is no filter and nothing is held back.

The female stated she was drinking alcohol with her boyfriend which turned into smoking marijuana and snorting powder cocaine. They started to get in the mood which led to the female performing oral sex on the male. When the oral sex ended, the female was not happy with where it exactly ended up at and to quote her it made her "start to feel some type of way" and she grew upset at the male. The male stated she started to tear up the house (both of their property) and the male held her down to get her to stop. The female did not like being held down by the male and started to push the male off which led to an all out physical confrontation where the male punched the female and gave her the obvious bloody nose.

We started to place the male in handcuffs when the female became upset  yelling "Are you guys really going to take him to jail?!" Another officer on the scene answered with an blatant of course while she states she didn't want him to go to jail (readers note: a very common response in this situation. Our particular state allows us to step in and press charges on behalf of the state in domestic violence situations to protect the victim and allow them time to escape their living situation if they so choose by the offender being held for a mandatory minimum 48 hours before obtaining a bond if available). The other officer on scene asked, "Why did you call 911 then? What did you want us to do for him punching you and giving you a bloody nose?" The female in a very hard to understand speech stated something to the effect of just wanting to get even with the male. Sadly in our particular area where we work, people really do resort to calling 911 to "get even" with people during petty verbal disputes.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day but they're calling for severe storms all day and upwards of two inches of rain. I'll be off to try and get some sleep before returning to work in about seven hours. Be safe everyone.

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