Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Encounters with "Sarge"

Yesterday was another decent day. I ended up with a felony arrest for a female that felt she could fight a police officer. While I was busy doing paperwork for the District Attorney's Office, an officer requested another unit to give him a criminal trespass warning. I told radio I was on the way to help him out.

I arrive on scene to see the officer with Sarge. If you remember from previous posts, sarge is a regular "homeless" ( I say homeless in quotes because he has a home but choose to stay at an intersection for the majority of his waking hours) and habitual drunk. Sarge has been issued a criminal trespass warning from every business in the area of the intersection which he frequents. He always causes disturbances and we try to avoid arresting him for sanitary reasons but we're not always lucky.

On this day, Sarge found himself the furthest east anyone had ever seen him. He was harassing the clerk of a gas station and....surprise!- the clerk wanted him issued a trespass warning. This officer I was assisting is actually preparing to move back home to another state. I was joking around that he'll definitely miss moments with Sarge and his oh-so familiar stench.

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