Sunday, October 25, 2015

A Lot In One Week

So this week has been pretty decent since I last spoke to you. I've been incredibly busy so this is an account from partially last week until yesterday.

I saw a vehicle with a cardboard tag stating "tag applied for" with a random October date. In my state this isn't a valid tag at all, so I decided to stop him and see what was up.

I approached the driver and he showed me a bill of sale from way back in August but he told me that wasn't the official bill of sale and that the real one was from last week. The title for the car also had the date of this "unofficial" sale date. The insurance was also on the car as of the August date. He bought the car from a dealer, so the state says he has 30 days to register the car. We were approaching 60. This guy tried to pull a fast one on me...but I've been doing this WAY too long. He got a ticket.

While trying to knock out some paperwork in a gas station parking lot, I was flagged down by a guy who stated there appeared to be a guy passed out on the sidewalk near the bank on the other side of the gas station. I drove around and saw a Hispanic guy sprawled out on the sidewalk. Before I could step out of the car he took a beer out of a black bag and took a sip before trying to hide it. I walked over and just put him in cuffs. He tried to tell me he just had one beer but he was so drunk he couldn't tell me where he lived. Thankfully his neighbor drove past him and collected his personal belongings to give to his wife. He was a happy drunk, laughing all the way to the jail.

The trainee and I were almost out of the clear when about 10 minutes before the watch was called we get a call for a guy who lost his wallet at a wing shop. I can almost GUARANTEE that his wallet was stolen after he left it on the counter. It seems that everybody carries their social security card in their wallets. This is the WORST thing to do. Please put your social security card somewhere safe and only bring it out when you need to. This guy just didn't have his card but his girls'  card also. If someone gets ahold of your info it can seriously mess your credit up. I don't know why people take this risk.

Now anytime you have a vehicle that you operate on a city street or state highway in my state or in most states for that matter, you MUST have insurance on that vehicle. If not, the state can impound your vehicle as a penalty for no insurance. I ran a tag on a car that already looked pretty beat up. It came back with no insurance so I stopped it. I also found out that none of the brake lights worked either... The driver told me that he was living inside of his car and was there any way I could avoid towing his car. I really wish I could have worked with him but I could incur a huge liability if I let an insurance-less vehicle back on the road. I told him how to help take care of every ticket that I wrote him at the least to try and help him.

I ended up having a robbery before the day was over. A guy was walking down the street in broad daylight while listening to his headphones. He wasn't paying any attention to his surroundings when he felt a gun in his back. He started to turn around and the guy transitioned to his front demanding his wallet and his phone. The then told the guy to "walk and don't look back" as he walked away. The guy was new to the city as he was staying with a friend to cope with a pending divorce. Once again the guy had his social security card on him and his paycheck card and basically all the money the guy had. Hopefully we'll get the guy soon. He has committed two more robberies in the area...

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