Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Good Deeds and Bad Kids

Hey all, sorry I didn't get to write yesterday. It was one of those days where I got out of work late and then had to wake up extremely early for the gym. I have two stories of good news from Monday and then I'll go into my story from yesterday.

Monday was a very slow day (I have no idea idea why but we'll see what that means for my "Friday" today). I decided to do a lot of traffic and was looking for something. I posted up at my favorite traffic spot near a highway off-ramp where I run tags looking for wanted people or other vehicle issues. I ran a tag on a truck and found the vehicle to have no insurance. I started my stop and had everything I needed to impound the vehicle for no insurance. As long as I run the tag and confirm the no insurance hit, the law in my state says I can take the vehicle. However, I know there are always mistakes with computer so I spoke to the lady (who did not own the car). She told me her own car had been stolen a few days ago and a friend loaned her this truck but he takes very good care of his vehicles and the status. I went out of my way and called the insurance company (with a automated and hold process) and eventually confirmed the vehicle really did have insurance and there was a glitch in the system. Sometimes going the long way pays off in the end.

I ended up arresting someone for a warrant and I had to take him the county jail. It was close to the time I had to go home and I decided to post up outside of the jail to finish my arrest report. I was approached by a  black male in sweatpants and sweatshirt with his hands up coming to my car ( I had no idea what to think). The male approaches me and tells me he's from a neighboring state and literally just got out of jail and had nowhere to go. It was freezing outside and I couldn't just leave him there. I called around to numerous homeless shelters and finally found one that would take the male. We took the long drive (already past the time for me to go home) and dropped him off. We had a very long talk about society, religion, the image of police, and the influence of hip hop on the younger generation (he stated he was an aspiring rapper). It was well worth staying late and I hoped I changed his image of police at least for a little bit.

Yesterday at work, time just seemed to really fly by (and I got out late due to a last minute felony-sidenote: I seem to be the person in my zone that if something crazy like that will happen near the end of the shift-it'll happen to me).

I handled a disorderly child call at a house on my beat. The caller was the grandmother who looks after her grandson because his mother was abusive and addicted to drugs. This grandmother does everything for her grandson. She cooks him elaborate meals and gets him into all these great school programs to ensure her grandson gets out of the neighborhood. Grandma is disabled and she does all of this without any assistance from the state or federal government. I went to his particular house about a year ago to talk to this kid when he was 11 about following grandma's rules and the important of them and what happens if he chooses not to do so. I sat down and had about a 45 minute conversation with him and really hoped it got to him.

Most recently he has been hanging out with his kid at school who lives in his neighborhood who is definitely a bad influence. Whenever he gets mad at his grandmother he goes to his room and climbs out a window knowing full well his grandmother can't go after him. The kid is 12 turning 13 soon. The next time he runs away he'll be placed as a runaway on the system. This kid told me the only reason he's rebelling against his grandmother is because he'd rather hang out with the bad influence neighborhood kids than go to the programs his grandmother has put him in to better himself. Times like that really hurt your hope for the future generations but you still have to press on and have faith. Well, I have to head out for my "Friday". We'll see how today goes.

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