Monday, January 26, 2015

Mama Takin' Care of Business

Hey everyone, yesterday was a very busy day. I had a felony arrest involving a gun being pulled on a family that took up most of my day, but I have a story I think you'll all enjoy.

I responded to a fire at an apartment complex. Apparently two young boys set a mop on fire near an apartment building. The fire department responded quickly and put the fire out without any major incident. A bunch of witnesses identified the boys and the mother quickly came out to see what was up.

The mother immediately went off on her sons when she found out they were involved. She started yelling and it went something like this:

"I know I didn't raise no ghetto hood boys that cause trouble. I work too damn hard raising six boys just for you to risk us losing our home and the homes of all these hard working people that work hard for their stuff. I will whoop your ass in front of all these firefighters and polices [sic]. I don't care. You got a brother going to Howard University and you can't be acting like a hoodlum with all these kids that don't have no mothers and fathers. Especially cuz all the fathers aren't around. I was in a fire when I was younger and I know about fires. I had to take bedsheets and tie them together to jump out the window of a second floor. I still got the burn to prove it."

She then bends over and shows me, the firefighter, and her kids, a large burn on her lower back.

"Thank you officer. I know you won't have no problems with my kids." and she walks away.

I pretty much just stood there and watched her while she went on her rant. At least there's a mom out there that cares.

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