Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Courtesy and Respect

Hey everyone, it's been a really wet and cold last two days where I work. We have snow in the forecast for tomorrow. Hopefully it holds off until my shift ends but it doesn't look that way for tomorrow.

Sunday I did a traffic stop on a vehicle where the registration was suspended. Typically when people have a lapse in insurance the state will put a "hold" or a suspension on the tag until the have insurance and pay a fine. I stopped this lady who had her registration suspended since July of 2014. She lost her insurance in April of 2014 and JUST put new insurance back on the car on Valentine's day. She's lucky she had the insurance or I most definitely would have towed her vehicle. I also gave her a ticket for her brake light being out. I didn't just give her the tickets. I told her exactly how to get out of both the tickets and how to avoid being cited from now until the time she went to court.

I got off of work and had to stop at a grocery store in the zone to pick up some dog food for the furry one at home. I actually ran into the lady at the grocery store and she was very nice and friendly to me. You never know when you might run into the people you come into contact at work. You always treat people with respect until they give you a reason to mix up your attitude. Once the situation is back to normal you resume that respect. Everyone out here is a human being.

Yesterday my first call of the day was to an apartment complex where an expecting single mother who lives alone had her kitchen door kicked in. Thankfully, whoever caused the damage did not get access to the apartment but in the process the door frame was damaged and it really wouldn't take much more force to gain entry. I was able to help give the lady the report she needed in order to get her door fixed by maintenance and provide her a little comfort in knowing I was the regular officer around who she always sees. She even remembered me from a call in which I helped one of her neighbors when she got jumped by a group of teens. You may not fully remember everyone in this job but the little time you interact with someone I GUARANTEE they will remember you. Respect at all times is imperative.

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