Sunday, February 22, 2015

Felony On My Birthday

Hey everyone, hope the last week went well for everyone as always. My birthday just happened to fall on the work week this week. I decided to work even though I could have taken the day off. I finally chose to do it as I realized my family up here in the city is my squad and the rest of the watch. I wouldn't want to spend my birthday any other way.

Sunday went well as most Sundays do. By the time I got in service most of the calls had been pending for quite some time. My first call was a dispute with a weapon that had been holding for about an hour. The caller stated a male was outside his home refusing to leave and the caller had a gun and was prepared to use it. We get there very calmly and the caller tells us the guy abandoned a car in his driveway citing "battery problems" and then walked away. The caller really just wanted to ask us if he could legally tow the car off his property (which he could). Thankfully it didn't turn out to be what it initially came about to be.

Monday brought about something that made no sense, particularly after I just bought a brand new truck the week before. A security officer at an apartment complex on my beat advised me they had finally retrieved the video footage from when someone damaged the gate to their complex about a week ago. Video footage showed a brand new green Ford Mustang still with a temporary tag just plow right through the exit gate. Now that gate is a pretty solid iron gate which would have caused significant damage to the front of that Mustang. The car wasn't stolen and the security officer knows the guy from hanging around in the complex for a bit. I just cant imagine who or why anyone would do that with a brand new car.

Tuesday gave us a little time to play around with a "stakeout". We got a call of a dispute with a weapon. A lady's "baby daddy" came to her house trying to get some money with a gun and threatened to shoot her. By the time we got to the house he was already gone in a car (having a currently suspended license). He called her back while we were on scene and heard him threaten her again and state he was coming back to get the money. We hid units (including myself) inside of the house and some behind the back waiting for him to come back. It would have been beautiful-but he never showed up after some waiting.

Finally, Wednesday was my birthday. The day went smooth and I was praying to get out on time since I had plans after work. Around 730pm, a department store at the shopping mall on my beat called to say they had a juvenile in custody for shoplifting. I already started to fear being held over. When I get to the office it turned out the girl was 17 years old (legally an adult in my state). I immediately knew I could get out on time but then they told me she stole almost $600 in clothes making it a felony charge. The girl actually came in with a group of girls who clothes and began to head for the exits. She was the slowest one and got left behind by her "friends". The girl lived a county away and nowhere close to the mall. I called her mom in an effort to get more information about her and mom was PISSED. Mom was working two jobs to help this girl get through life and prepare to graduate high school (meanwhile the girl had no job) and she now has a felony charge on her record. I ended up staying an hour late on my birthday. By that time, the majority of people didn't want to go out that late. Thankfully one of the guys from my squad and another from my watch showed up and made it worthwhile. Hopefully this week goes smooth as well.

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