Monday, February 16, 2015

Who Won?

    So yesterday went by insanely slow. I think I sat in a parking lot in an apartment complex for exactly one hour before I got a call. I end my shift typically at 1030pm and the sergeant calls the cars fifteen minutes prior so we can get out on time. At exactly 1014pm, a call came up on a neighboring beat for a fight in progress. A neighbor who wanted to remain anonymous stated their neighbors were fighting in what sounded like a "bad fight". I could have gone home on time and let me fellow officer take the call but I had radio show me en route and I backed my squad mate up.

I get to the apartment complex and the other officer is standing by the stairs and says he can hear the people fighting and arguing. We climb the four flights of the stairs and don't hear a thing. After knocking on the door, two sweaty young black males answer the door out of breath. The other officer asks them what they were up to and if everything was alright.

Instead of fighting they replied they were just wrestling and didn't realize they were making enough noise to bother their neighbors. After running both individuals and making sure they were clean we asked them who won? They both started busting out laughing and the bigger guy confessed he thinks he did but we broke them up too soon to find out.

Thankfully that's how the night ended. It easily could have been something else and I would have been left wondering if I could have made a difference by not backing up my partner. It's the little things and we all have our fellow officers' backs.

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