Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Old Men In Cars

Yesterday was definitely a well needed day after the craziness that was Sunday.

   I was at my favorite highway off-ramp spot when I ran a tag and found out the registration was suspended and it had a brake light out. I initiated my stop and found out the driver/registered owner was 89 years old and about to turn 90 in November. I really did NOT want to write this guy a ticket. I had some leeway with the brake light. He was definitely not going to get that. However when it came to his registration being suspended it was essentially as if he had no tag and was an impoundable offense. I was not going to impound the vehicle but I had to write the ticket to cover myself from personal liability if he was to end up in an accident. I did however, tell him everything he needed to do to get the ticket dismissed.

I received a 911 call about some supposedly stolen vehicles being stashed at a house. They even gave an accurate description of one of the vehicles. As I arrived at the house I saw the car matching what was in the 911 call. I could hear loud music coming from the car and as I got closer it immediately cut out. My hand went to my weapon as a older, black male emerged from the car with his hand in his pocket. I told him to get his hands out of  his pockets and he did. I asked him who the car belonged to and he said it belonged to his brother named John. I asked him if he had ID and he said he did but it was in the house and he started to walk back inside. I stopped him and asked him to just write down his information. The male was extremely nervous as he did so. Instead of returning to my vehicle to run the vehicle and the man, I had another officer run it. The car was fine (and actually registered to John) but the man turned out to have a possible warrant out of the state of Michigan and they were willing to extradite.

I confirmed the warrant and the male was placed under arrest. I went to search him incident to arrest and found three loose, small white pills in his left pocket. I asked him what they were and he said it was pain medication for his back. I asked him if he had a prescription and he said yes. Now the male said he lived at the location and just had them loose in his pocket for when he needed to take them next. I had the man's wife and kids search for the prescription but they could only find a year old prescription for a different painkiller. I gave them about a half an hour to try and find the right one but they were unsuccessful and he was charged with the drugs.

Never know what you'll find in people's pockets!

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