Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Rough Few Days and Violence in the Streets

Sorry for not writing lately. It has been an extremely rough last few weeks. The state where I work has lost two law enforcement officers just recently. We buried one killed by gunfire (in the county where I work) just to have lost another one due to a motor vehicle accident just two days after the funeral. I only had my mourning band off my badge for a period of one day. This job can be very dangerous. You never know when your last day will come. Just more of a reason to live life to the fullest every day. Tell the ones whom you love that you love them, enjoy every hug, every kiss for just a little longer. Our time on this earth is just a small blip in the vast history of recorded time but that small blip has a lifetime of stories-however long that story is. 

Yesterday was a busy day. I signed on just to be immediately sent to a call where two guys were arguing with one displaying a gun. I arrive on scene to be met by a security officer (just wearing a t-shirt and pants with a gun on his hip....) who told me he approached a male who was just hanging out in a breezeway at the apartment complex. The male got upset with the security officer and allegedly displayed a weapon. Now the security officer was armed and I know for a fact if anyone displays a weapon at me in a threatening manner just exactly what I would do so I didn't believe for a second the guy most likely had a weapon. I asked the security officer where the man went and what he wanted to do. The security officer told me he walked near another set of buildings and wanted me to issue him a criminal trespass citation.

I went to find the male with another officer and found him perfectly fitting the description security sent me. I asked the male if he had identification and told him exactly what was going on and what I was going to do. As soon as I saw his information I noticed he lived at the building where he was supposedly loitering in the breezeway. I told the security officer that I couldn't trespass the male from where he lived and if he wanted him gone, the complex would need to evict him (whether his name was on the lease or not). I also told the security officer he needed to wear something saying he was security because he was on the fast track to pissing somebody off and putting his own self at great risk for bodily harm or death by encountering the wrong person the way he had been doing.

Later on in the day I had a call of a dispute with a knife on my beat. At one of the apartment complexes I had a female armed with a knife threatening everyone inside. I arrive at the apartment to find out that the female had already left. The female turned out to be the sister of the resident who stated her sister got drunk and took a knife demanding money. The woman's boyfriend managed to wrestle the knife away from her and she took off in a vehicle with some random person. It takes a lot of guts to wrestle a knife away from someone-especially if they're drunk. I would NOT recommend it to anyone. Thankfully the sister never came back during my shift. I can't imagine having family problems like that. This job definitely makes you appreciate your own life situations.

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