Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Long Week Of Not Getting Off On Time-Part 3

   I was en route to help another officer on the other sector who had someone detained possibly fitting a description of someone who had bailed out of a car on a 27-minute long car chase after they fired some rounds at two different schools in the area when I was stuck behind a school bus unloading kids. The school bus had its stop sign and flashing red lights meaning "Do Not Pass" when a lady in a white SUV just drives right past. I get out of my car and just look at the lady with a "what are you doing?" expression. I did NOT think she was going to stop but she did (we were on a two lane road). Since she DID stop, I walked up to her and got her driver's license and then whipped my car around. She insisted she did not run the stop guard of the bus but I had a civilian ride-along who was in my car and we were both surprised she just kept going. The lady told me her fiancé was a cop and was going to fight the ticket all the way. I told her not  a problem, I would just bring the dashcam video to court and let it speak for itself.

Another call was a domestic dispute between a husband and wife where the wife called 911 and statd her husband hit her in the mouth and busted her lip. I get on scene and another officer already has the male detained. I talk to the female who stated she got a flat tire and drove home on the flat, damaging the rim. She called her husband for help and he got upset over the fact she drove home. This particular couple had been married for five years but had known each other for over 15 years having grown up together. The female stated the male had never been violent in their entire history but when she turned around to face him he just started clawing at her and pulling her hair (she had scratches on her arms). This gave me enough to arrest the male.

I talk to the male who said that the wife spit on his face and he just lashed out in anger (clawing her) He then hit her to get away after she started punching him and scratching him also (he also had scratch marks on him). Ironically a 14 year old  boy next door came up to me and told me that he saw the whole thing and that the female started it after she spit on the guy and he lost it. Well the job of a police officer in a domestic when claims are made in my state is to arrest both if you can't determine a true primary aggressor and to let the judge decide....so both went to jail. 

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