Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Sunday/Monday On The Beat

So Easter Sunday in the Zone was a welcome reprieve from the last two Sundays which have been absolutely ridiculous. It was nice to have a breather like Sundays are supposed to be-however someone decided to break into a person's car and steal their items while they were visiting my city.

I got a call for a vehicle break in at a discount mall on my beat. I get to the location and find a vehicle from a neighboring state with two females on vacation visiting my city. They went inside for about two hours and when they got back the driver door lock was pried and their purses and one jacket were taken from inside the vehicle. One lady had about $400 for her vacation in her purse and they had their social security cards in their wallets (including one lady who had the cards for all three of her kids too). I know it had to put a damper on their vacation to my city and I did my best to help them. Shame someone had to do this, on Easter no less.

Yesterday I got a call for some kids hanging out in an undeveloped section of a gated community on my beat. When I get there I immediately noticed the smell of burning marijuana and saw three females and a male just hanging around in between two cars. I asked them for ID and if they had any more marijuana to which they replied no. One female stated her ID was inside of the car but the last thing I wanted was for her to be digging around in a car so I had her write down her information on my notepad. She was EXTREMELY nervous and kept looking down at the ground. I noticed a pile of tobacco shavings near her foot but on the other side of her foot underneath the car near the tire was a joint still smoking. I placed the female under arrest (who was 19 and her first arrest). I'm the type of officer that if you're honest with me, I'm willing to work with you. I have no consideration if you lie to me.

Later towards the end of the night we received a "hot call" about a mentally ill female threatening her roommate with a knife. Myself and two other units responded to the call and met with a Mobile Crisis Team from the local hospital (they typically respond to calls with us involving suicidal and mentally ill people. It's great to have that resource available to us where I work). Thankfully when we got on scene the knife was inside and we were able to calm the parties down. The female was able to answer all the questions to paramedics to avoid being taken to the hospital and she did not want to go willingly. That situation easily could have been worse had she still been violent with the knife when we got on scene.

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