Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Labor Day Weekend in The City

So it was one wild Labor Day Weekend in the City. The city had officers working 12 hour shifts all weekend long to bolster staff with all of the events going on in the city.

As a result, there were plenty of patrol cars on the road and officers doubled up. My particular watch was assigned to just be targeted enforcement in the area- not having to worry about answering 911 calls. It left plenty of time to be proactive. Sum that up as plenty of time for traffic and suspicious persons stops.

I stopped a vehicle after discovering that the owner had a possible warrant out for his arrest for a failure to appear (FTA on a traffic charge). I stopped the vehicle and it was indeed him. I detained him and placed him in the car. His tag was suspended, he didn't have his license on him, and he wasn't wearing a seatbelt. The warrant took a long time to verify and they ended up not taking him due to being too far away for the original agency to extradite from. We ended up having a long talk about football, Tom Brady, and the opening game. I told him exactly what he needed to do to fix all of his tickets minus the seatbelt ticket and let him on his way. He said he really enjoyed the talk about football and realizing that we (officers) were all just regular people doing a job.

Another stop called me for assisting a traffic unit on a vehicle with no insurance where the driver was acting fidgety. The man was very upset and didn't believe us that his insurance was cancelled. I pulled up a state website and was able to show him in person where his insurance had been cancelled and was able to calm him down.

I had a stalled vehicle on the highway where it was leaking transmission fluid pretty bad. We were in a bad spot and her in-laws came by to get her enough fluid to try and get off of the highway. We started to move before the engine gave out completely and she had to move to the side of the road. I had to brake and hit my blue lights very quickly to alert the other cars on the highway as to what was going on. There was an SUV behind me that was following too closely and he slammed on his brakes. He avoided hitting me but was struck from behind by a pickup truck. By the time we got to the area where the engine gave out, we had exited the city limits. I approached the accident and found that nobody was hurt but that unfortunately I couldn't help them with the accident report. The county police arrived and the responding corporal tried to tell me the accident was on him (which happens a lot between agencies near their borders). He checked with his sergeant who confirmed I was indeed right and they took the accident. It took a long time for the lady's roadside assistance to arrive on scene and she had some little kids. I went back to my car and brought out a stuffed animal to give to the little girl who absolutely loved the toy and helped to stop her crying. It's the little things that make a difference and especially to the little boy who said he wanted to be a police officer when he grew up.

Sunday, I was paired up with a rookie officer who is definitely a go-getter. Great guy who has a ton of potential. There was a car show going on in the parking lot of the discount mall on my beat where the wave of marijuana smoke was just blowing over the whole event. My partner saw a vehicle where the driver looked like she was smoking a blunt and passing it to the passenger. The security officer from the discount mall happened to be in front of the vehicle so I had my partner walk up alongside the driver side and approach the security officer like he was saying hello. Meanwhile, I walked up along the passenger side and nobody saw me since they were paying attention to him. The front seat passenger was trying to dump baggies of marijuana into a black trash bag. I knocked on her window and she was VERY surprised to see me. I had her hand me her ID and she stepped out where I placed her under arrest. They had plenty of Smirnoff Ice bottles in the vehicle. We ended up recovering around 35 grams or so of marijuana and they went to city jail for that and the alcohol. The car show emptied out quickly as we made the arrest and we had to dodge a beer bottle or two being thrown in our direction as we made our exit. We both agreed that if we could have seen where the bottles came from-the throwers would definitely have gone to jail.

Labor Day itself saw me responding to the Macy's in the mall on my beat. Loss Prevention was following a male who was acting drunk and suspicious as he walked around the store with his hand down his pants. Loss Prevention thought he might have been stealing while sales associates were just plain getting scared of him. The male quickly walked into the fitting room after grabbing a random pair of jeans off a rack and left the door open. The camera caught what came next perfectly on video since the door was open. The male drops his pants and begins masturbating while peering around the door and watching people shopping. You really can't make this stuff up. The male was placed under arrest but all he could say was that it wasn't illegal because nobody was right in front of him while he was masturbating.....

Well Labor Day came and went. Let's see how the rest of the week goes as Summer begins to wind down.

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