Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Trash Talking the Police

So the week ended off with a good story. Wednesday I wrote a ticket to a guy who had an expired tag for over a month. He said he honestly forgot because he had been traveling for work the last month. He was actually appreciative of the job we do and was really sincere with me. However, that is not the story I want to tell you about. This story involves someone the complete opposite of this guy.

It was nearing the end of the shift. I was hanging out with an officer at a little stop and shop trying to get an energy drink in since I was planning on working overtime following the shift when a guy walks into the store. Almost immediately he begins arguing with the clerk. The clerk tells us he wants the man to leave. I walk up to the man and tell him to leave. He starts to refuse so I push him on the shoulder in the direction of the door and tell him to leave. The man starts to argue with me so I emphasize that if he doesn't leave he goes to jail. I get him in the parking lot and start to tell him that he has to head to the sidewalk since the parking lot still belongs to the shop. The male says I'm harassing him, pulls out his cell phone to record me, saying he wants my name and badge number along with that of the officer with me. I told him I would give it to him as soon as he hit the sidewalk and got off the property. He steps off onto the sidewalk and I give him the information he wants. He then goes to yell "Fuck 12! Y'all ain't shit! You can't legally trespass me!".

I stood there watching him as he walked off just waiting for him to do something stupid so I could have a reason to approach him and go from there but nothing happened. Not even a second after he disappeared out of sight, a 911 call came in from the gas station next to the stop and shop saying a  male wearing exactly what the guy had been wearing had caused a disturbance at the gas station, threatened the clerk, and threw items all over the store.

I hopped in my car followed by the other officer in her car and we caught up to the guy. Immediately placed him in handcuffs letting him know he was being detained for a disturbance at the gas station (which was in the direction of where he had walked from prior to entering the stop and shop). We relocated and the other officer walked into the store to look at the video and find out what happened. She confirmed we had the right guy and I walked inside to see the video for myself. The guy walks in and starts a confrontation with the clerk. He starts throwing gallon jugs of water all over the place (his pants were wet when I searched them) and then throws up gang signs and tells the clerk "I know what time you get off" before leaving. The man had been drinking all day and while he was intoxicated he wasn't really drunk. If he hadn't been giving me a hard time at the store earlier, I never would have paid that much attention to him.

This just goes to show that trash talking the police never leads to anything good.

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