Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Stopping While You're Ahead

Sunday was a busy day. It was the first NFL Sunday in the states and I expected it to be relaxed as people watched football....I was wrong.

I was driving around just before it got busy and noticed a stalled vehicle in the middle of the intersection. Everyone was just driving around the vehicle and not paying any mind to the person inside. I pulled my vehicle up behind them with my blue lights and helped push them out of the way. I was almost done when a man joined in to help me. He told me he was surprised that nobody stopped to help them or me in pushing their vehicle out of the way.

Just after that I went to my favorite tag reading spot and ran a tag that came back with two pages worth of license suspensions for the registered owner. I initiated the stop with my blue lights but the vehicle did not stop right away. We were in the parking lot of the mall and the driver went all the way to parking space just near our mini precinct at the mall. Due to the fact that it took the driver forever to stop, I called for another unit to help me out.

I approached the car and asked the driver if he had his driver's license. The driver said he left it at home and so I had him write his name and DOB down. He asked me why I stopped him and I told him the registered owner had some issues going on with his license. The guy told me he knew the owner but that it wasn't him. I did not believe him. I had the guy step out of the car and went to put him in handcuffs. The driver demanded to know why he was getting arrested. I told him he was just being detained since he was operating a vehicle without a license on him (a potentially arrest able offense). The male had a cigarette in his hand that he did not want to drop before putting his hands behind his back. I basically had to force him to drop the cigarette and place him in cuffs. I then told the guy that I was going to fingerprint him to find out who he was. He seemed nervous but tried to play it off. I sat him in the backseat of my car and ran the information he gave me which---surprise! didn't come back to anything. I then told him he should better tell me who he really is and he told me he was the owner of the car. At this point he was under arrest so I went to search the vehicle. I quickly located a small bag of marijuana in the center console and a gun in the glovebox. I had the other officer run the gun while I went back to talk to the male.

I asked the male if there was anything else I needed to know about besides the weed and the gun. The guy said no, so I had him step out so I could search him. As he got off the backseat, I saw another bag of marijuana underneath him which he tried to ditch and say was already there.

Around this time, my backup officer told me the gun was stolen, I asked the man who the gun belonged to and he said it was his mother's. When I told him that it was stolen, he then told me that he didn't know who the gun belonged to. I went to clear the firearm and make it safe and was having a little trouble because the slide was jammed. Without asking the man any questions, he told me how to clear the gun that he said was not his.....Meanwhile a criminal history check showed the man was a convicted felon and shouldn't have had a gun anyways.

Yesterday, I hadn't even signed onto my computer when I received a high priority call for a child left inside a vehicle in a grocery store parking lot. Thankfully the weather has been dropping lately because this mother left her two year old inside of a vehicle with the windows up and the engine off for 59 minutes. Not to mention, the mother parked her car in the furthest parking space away from the store and away from all the other vehicles which were parked. It was as if she did not want anyone to see that she had her child in the car. A security officer patrolling the parking lot happened to see the child sweating profusely and broke the window on the car to rescue the child. Thankfully, medically, the child will be fine. Mom was arrested-on what happened to be her birthday. The media ended up showing up on scene and knew no personal space as they tried to stick a camera practically in my patrol car to get to mom. With all the child deaths in the news and people stealing cars, there is just NO excuse for leaving a kid in a car.

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