Sunday, November 29, 2015

My Thanksgiving Week In The Streets

Well Thanksgiving went amazingly well for me. I was lucky enough to have the holiday off and then my regular days off of Friday and Saturday-not to mention I took Tuesday off to enjoy an NBA game (sadly my team lost). Here's my uneventful week

Sunday I was dispatched to a hot call as soon as I signed on. I was sent to a business silent alarm at a location where I had bee previously hit by burglars. I raced to load my vehicle and rush to the scene but before I could get there, the alarm was canceled. Such a rush to start the day for nothing and then nothing else happened all day.

Monday I had to make a prisoner transport. The previous Thursday, we had a domestic dispute in which a boyfriend and girlfriend were drunk and got to fighting. Somehow both parties were cut up severely all over their bodies. The male was so cut up he ended up at the hospital and passed out. I went to pick him up to take him to jail since he had been discharged. The male asked me what he had been charged with because he honestly didn't remember a thing. He told me he had been drinking vodka straight all day and then he woke up with a tube down his throat and an IV in his arm in the hospital and was stuck on a liquid diet for three days. He swore up and down that he was done with alcohol-and his girl. He was actually a pretty cool guy and joked around all the way to jail about a multitude of things and the fact that he lost all his clothes because they had to cut them all (he wore a hospital gown into jail).

Wednesday we were extremely busy. I got out of work about an hour late due to a late DUI (and I still hit the road for a 7-hour drive out of state for the holiday).  I ran call to call to call and got a vehicle break in at a suit store on my beat. The call held for about an hour (due to its low priority) and by the time I got there, the caller was gone. We tried to call him back but it went straight to voicemail on consecutive call backs. We live and work in a major city. Some crimes and calls just aren't as high on the list although they are still important. It's amazing that some people can't understand that after dealing with people on a regular basis though that wind up in the same situation.

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