Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sunday Driving

 Last Sunday I responded to a call about a male passed out in a car in the middle of the street in a subdivision. An anonymous caller called it in. This vehicle was stopped way back where the subdivision was still under development. So it wasn't exactly in an area where people normally go to.

I rolled up and saw a soft top convertible with a male passed out. I knocked on the window and he didn't respond. I knocked harder on the driver's window with my flashlight and he finally woke up. He was definitely intoxicated. He immediately turned the car back on (the keys had still been in the ignition) and I told him to shut it down. The male then opened the door and started talking to me with slurred speech and glassy eyes. I asked him where he was coming from and he told me ( I live at ______). I asked him again since that's not what I asked him and he just repeated himself. I slowed down even more when talking to him and he told me he was watching football at his friend's house at 1pm. I asked him if he had anything to drink and he told me 1 beer. Clearly it was way more than that. I asked him to tell me what time it was without looking at his clock and he just stared at me, finally saying it would make him look bad if he tried. I asked him to do a field sobriety test and he was all for it.

After standing him outside of my car on the dash cam, I asked him if he had any injuries or ailments which I should know about and he said no. I started to give the directions on the walk and turn test and he immediately told me he couldn't do it because both of his knees were bad....I told him I would note that but it would definitely help him to at least give it a try. He flat out he couldn't because he would look horrible on camera. I placed him under arrest and he agreed to blow on a breathalyzer. I took him to a precinct and had an officer certified on the machine to come meet me with him. It turns out this same guy was arrested just two months prior for another DUI-this time with an accident involved on the highway. The officer who did the breathalyzer for him last time was the same one who came out THIS time. She had never had that happen before. We get all set for the test and then the man refuses to take it, wanting to know why he needed the test. His refusal ended up in him automatically losing his license for a year and he was furious because he drove 18-wheelers for a living and had to be at work at 3am. He then told me the only reason he was back there in the neighborhood was because he was meeting his girl and he didn't want his wife to know or her husband to find out. Just call it karma.....Meanwhile, the whole ride to the jail he told me I never should have arrested him because he wasn't actually driving and that I should have given him a ride home....

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