Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Young and Responsible

So last week had a lot of interesting moments.

Monday was a slow day following my vacation which meant I was out hunting. I was driving along and observed a vehicle occupied two times driving with no lights on at night. I followed behind it for a bit and then vehicle prepared to make a left turn into an apartment complex known for its drug dealers. The vehicle made its turn and I turned on my blue lights.

I approached the vehicle and the driver was EXTREMELY nervous. As soon as I got to the window, the driver apologized for texting, which I hadn't even noticed. I asked him if he had been drinking since I normally catch a lot of DUI drivers with no lights on at night. He said no and kept asking for permission every time he went to grab something since he was "worried about what's on tv". I didn't get the vibe that there were any drugs in the vehicle, I believe they were probably going to buy drugs from the complex. I let the two males go on their way and they immediately left the complex without going to visit their "friend" which they said they were there for. I definitely interrupted a drug deal that day.

Tuesday saw me respond to a roommate dispute at an apartment complex. The roommate stated his female roommate had an ongoing dispute with him. The male caller does not have a car and uses his roommate's car to get to work. The roommate lately has been calling 911 on him saying he stole her car and won't return it, however the male is always at work and cannot leave to return the car. The caller told me he's been living at the apartment for the last 6 months but wasn't on the lease. The female ended up changing the locks while he was gone and he had no way to get inside the apartment. I tried knocking on the door but the female wouldn't answer (she wasn't obligated to). The male then asked me if it was illegal to break into his own apartment. I told him the answer was no but that I definitely couldn't stay behind while he did so. I made sure to leave right about the time I saw him hop the fence to the backyard but we never did get another call back to the location.

Wednesday, I worked a vehicle accident at an intersection on my beat that sees a BUNCH of accidents. There's only a light facing three of the four sides. The fourth side is for an exit of a big apartment complex. This means that anyone trying to exit the complex can't see what color the light is from the other directions and has to chance it trying to leave. The at fault car in this case believed the light to be green opposite hers (which it was, but the light then would have changed to red).  A car coming the side adjacent to hers saw his light turn green and he continued (with no fault to him) at his regular pace without ever slowing down. The at fault car had ALMOST cleared the intersection when it was plowed into by the second car.

I've been telling people forever that I wish the city would fix the light at that intersection and install another light, however it has been the same way for the past three years and definitely longer before the beat became mine. I didn't cite the driver since she basically would have followed her light if she had one. She just unfortunately didn't clear the intersection fast enough. The second car was a brand new vehicle that really got tore up (losing its entire front bumper). Thankfully nobody was hurt. A couple of seconds earlier and both cars would have ended up in what would have been a horrible t-bone accident.

Thursday, my Friday, I was dispatched to a medical call at a home. An 83 year old woman who was watching her grandkids fell unresponsive due to a diabetic episode. The 5 year old girl at home called her parents to say that grandma had fallen. The parents quickly called 911 and responded to the house. I went along just in case the fire department had to force entry into the home. Luckily, family members arrived quickly enough to open the house for us. The little girl was so cute, talking to all of us (fire, paramedics and myself) telling us Hi! and welcome to the house. She even told us "shhhhhh grandma's sleeping". The father was holding his mother and amidst his tears and concern, you could tell he really appreciated how well the little girl was treating the situation. At one point when fire went to grab the stretcher for the paramedics she yelled out to us "Bye everybody! see you soon!" Thankfully the lady was brought back to consciousness once she was put on the stretcher. It was so great to see a little girl treat the situation well and know enough to call her parents for help at that age.

I finished up my night and week, just around the corner from the medical call on an abandoned car at an apartment complex. The vehicle had been there for over a month. The car had suspended registration and no insurance and security was worried it was stolen. It wasn't and they decided to do their thing and tow it from the property.

Not a bad week back after a much needed international vacation!

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