Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Last Week of 2015

So the final week of 2015. Everyone is coming back from vacation from the Christmas holiday and getting ready for a night of partying with family or out to ring in the new year.

My last call of the day on Sunday was one of these such people. It was an airman who just came back from vacation and found his trailer for his motorcycle had been stolen from the parking lot. Thankfully his motorcycles were inside of his garage and he didn't lose those. He had a really good insurance company through the military and really just needed a report to cover the loss. He had taken every step to even install an anti-theft device onto the hitch so nobody could just come and hook up the trailer. I guess where there is a will, there's a way.

Monday, I responded to the mall on my beat for a trespasser who was detained. I get there and it was a guy who was caught shoplifting on the property at a department store (for perfume no less) and issued a trespass warning. He was caught back on the property selling bootleg DVDs in the food court. When I arrived to place him under arrest he flat out told me he didn't "give a fuck about the trespass warning". So needless to say he went to jail. He was smart about the DVDs though. He had the cases for movies still in the theaters but the DVDs were in a bag and blank so it was hard to make the correlation and he caught a pass on the felony (which he had previously been convicted for).

Tuesday, I responded to what came in as a working dispute with a gun. Two males were going at it in a driveway and one of them was known to have a pistol on him. I get there and the whole family is yelling and going at it. I call for more units to help calm down the situation and find out these facts. Male #1 was bringing over his baby momma to her family's house. They arrive but the girl's brother does not like male #1 because he supposedly beats on her and he owes her $15.....So he's arguing and supposedly threatened to shoot him and beat him up.

I pull aside the brother who admitted to saying he was going to beat up male #1 but vehemently denied the gun part. I noticed the uncle of male #1 quiet and standing away from the loud family. I go up to him and he finally agrees to tell me what happened after some persuasion. He stated the brother DID in fact mention the gun and how he was going to shoot him. The brother was then arrested for terroristic threats. Sometimes you have to pay attention to the whole scene to find your clues and real witnesses.

Wednesday, I had to respond to a business alarm at a closed daycare. I get there and this daycare has what looks like an impenetrable, very tall fence all the way around the entire property and then barbed wire along the back. This was like baby Fort Knox. There was no way I could enter in and check the exterior of the building. I'll tell you one thing, if I had kids, I would definitely want them going there.

Thursday (New Year's Eve), I was working 12 hour shifts as a detail car. My job was to take people to jail. I helped back up the other detail car on a traffic stop. I pull up and he has a male and female out of a car. He tells me he was riding behind the car when the smell of weed started flooding through his AC in the patrol car. He pulled the stop and before the car came to a stop the male tossed something out of the window. We had another unit come to watch the couple as we searched the car and found the weed in the cup holder. It was a VERY small amount and so the officer decided to just write a citation to the male (who was driving) for the weed as it was in his cup holder. The male was dumbstruck and did not/could not believe the weed smell would float through the AC. It happens more times than you can imagine.

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