Sunday, January 31, 2016

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

This past week went by well all things considered. We had a state trooper shot in the line of duty twice by a male fleeing in a vehicle. Thankfully the trooper will be just fine.

Sunday, I responded to a call of a juvenile hit by a vehicle. Earlier in the day before I came to work, I had paid attention to the calls we had in the area where I work and I remembered seeing another juvenile hit by a car. It was a male in the roadway who was hit by a passing motorist when he darted into traffic. A report was completed and the male went along his way. A few hours later, the teen was at home with his mom when he passed out for no apparent reason. She naturally called 911 saying her son who had been hit by a car was not alert or conscious. We arrive on scene and the teen had come back to his normal self. The rookie officer who was primary on the call began to get his information for his report when I started to ask some questions and sensing this might be the same call that I saw earlier. It turned out I was correct and I ended up saving the rookie tons of paperwork! Mom and son then took an ambulance ride to the children's hospital to make sure things were ok.

Monday, I responded to a roommate dispute. Two roommates who had lived together for years finally had a falling out and one was moving on. The roommate who was staying locked the door and refused to let her come in the apartment to get her stuff. It's one thing when you want someone out but it's another when you don't want them to get their stuff to leave. I arrive on scene and the staying-put roommate was telling me how much she wanted her now ex-roommate to move on. I had to explain how crazy it sounded to want her to leave but then refuse....It took awhile but she finally realized the craziness too and we got the ball rolling.

Tuesday, I responded to a city park where some contractors had been doing some construction work. It had been raining recently and this was the first day they had managed to come back to work. When they arrived, they found their $50,000 compact loader-excavator missing. We reviewed the footage and found a white jaguar roll up and two men get out. They walk around and examine the machinery and then a wrecker arrives with two more men. It takes the men about two hours but they finally load up this expensive excavator onto the wrecker and drive off. We managed to get the company name and number off the wrecker so hopefully it'll become a good lead for the detective.

Wednesday, I was ALMOST done with my shift when a business robbery pops up at convenience store on a nearby beat. I'm the first unit on scene and my job is to make sure the business is safe, find witnesses, and lock the store down so nobody goes in or out. I find two patrons playing the video gambling machines in addition to the clerk. The second officer starts talking to the clerk while I'm gathering the information from the two guys. It's a pair of cousins who had their car break down in the parking lot and they were waiting on roadside assistance to come help them out. They saw the robber come in, heard his voice, saw his face, and could describe the gun. They were excellent witnesses. I got their information but one of the guys did not have his ID. I had him write the usual, his name and date of birth. He only wrote his name. I then had him again, write his DOB and he only writes the year. I was starting to get suspicious and after I got the rest of his birthday, had an officer watch him.

I ran to my car to run the guy and found out he had an active felony warrant for a probation on felony possession of marijuana (to add irony to it all, the guy was Jamaican.) I held the guy in the backseat of my car until the commercial robbery detective arrived on scene and he was still willing to talk to the detective. The guy was very appreciative of me for being nice to him and I even gave him a red bull from the store to drink. The warrant ended up being confirmed and I took him on down to the county jail. When it was all said and done, I got off work almost two hours late. Just another day in the police life.

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